Friday, July 11, 2008

The Intellectual Eye

I had a dream the other night that I had this eyeball (the "Intellectual Eye") which I shared with my soulmate whom I have yet to meet in the flesh in spite of 2 failed marriages, an assortment of boyfriends and one fine lover, but he definitely shows up in my dreams. He's a lot younger than I am but he seems fine with that. He says he prefers older women because they are wise. We are like one person except that we walk around in two very different bodies. In this episode, I had to fill out a form certifying that he could use my Eye whenever he needed to. Apparently, his use of it required approval from some higher authority, whoever that was. I guess I was the keeper of the Intellectual Eye and he'd borrow it when he needed it. Likewise, I would let him know when I needed it and he'd pluck it out of his eye socket and hand it over.

When I shared that surreal dream with an attorney friend, he suggested I read Memories, Dreams, and Reflections, Carl G. Jung's autobiography, which this attorney just happened to be carrying around in his briefcase, because Jung had an eye dream too except that in his dream there was this eye perched atop a gigantic phallis and he was scared to look at it. Well, now, I must have a look at Jung's eye dream the next time I'm at the public library!

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