Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Boardwalk Strolls

Copyright © 2008 Judith J. Bentley

From my sea-side window, the sun rises,
a red ball resting on a thin blue line
as the sea’s salty presence
rushes, pushes, and slaps the shore

I have traveled here before
for morning and evening boardwalk strolls
where different lives are possible—
I don't often know such choices

The sea gulls sail over the land, their voices
squeal and squawk along the shore's edge,
they swoop like miniature kites unfettered
their webbed feet resting at last in the wet foam

One nestled in his blue gray feathers, alone
tucks his head behind his white breast,
while small creatures scrawl
their cuneiform messages on the sand

At the water's edge, others stand
as if watching the tide come in
while a child peddles a bike path
and hand in hand couples pass by

Now the lamplights are lit in the night sky
They cast a shimmering glow
The sea gulls grow silent
The splashing waters calm

Far out at sea a large tanker has put down anchor
And a single light from the lighthouse shines.

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