Friday, October 24, 2008

Drunk Client On the Line

Where is [attorney]? Who are you? You aren't a lawyer, are you? This is his little brother from Palm Beach. I went to St. Christopher's School, UNC, Harvard Law. I was #1 on the Harvard Law Review. Harvard Business. I was a Commander in Viet Nam. Now I'm a Marine General.

[assistant congratulates him on his achievements].

Don't congratulate me. That was nothing! Listen! When an intelligent man is talking to you, do NOT comment!

[assistant replies: my father was intelligent and I used to make comments to him.]

Well, that was your father. Do not comment on it! It's what I did! It's what I thought was important!... [pause]. Wait a minute. a truck is comin' by...

When will he be back?
[in about an hour and a half and I'll have him call you.]

You have him call me immediately! This is important. This is very important!

[okay I will. thank you. good-bye]

legal assistant hangs up.

[another call from same client to attorney]

Little brother, you're making a big mistake. I've been calling you all morning and no one answers your phone. I've got high society in to visit me. #1 in the United States of America. #1 in Europe. I don't know if you're on vacation or whatever, but let me tell you something. Don't you send me a goddamn bill 'cause you're wasting your time. I want action! I want a team! I wanna go against the Force, and you guys are just...what can I say--University of Richmond, University of Virginia - I went to Harvard! I need some respect! Respond to me! Get one of your paralegals to respond to me at least! Come on, man, get in the business. Get with it. This is ridiculous!

hangs up.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Mother's Letter 10.3.2008

Friday, October 3, 2008

[Mother's 94th birthday was on September 24th]

Dear Judith,

Recently I had a bad fall and blacked out. Dick got emergency to come. They got me up and in bed. I came to and was able to answer their questions. Since then I have poor mobility. I use my walker to take a few steps. I sit in my chair to eat and am trying to increase my strength by walking to the den and back. My sitter holds onto me. Dick walks close behind in case I fall. Yesterday I walked to the sofa and back 4 times. If God wants me to come through this, He will give me the strnegth to improve each day. I want you and Kate to have the two antique pottery pieces in the top shelf of the bookcase in the den. She has planned to come Dec. 7 or 9 for a few days visit.

I did not think I could make it to my 94 birthday but I did. Five ladies came to celebrate. I told them just come for a visit. Pam came from Virginia at great cost and risk to her health. She is just out of the hospital with pneumonia and is now on rehab. She stayed in a motel coming and returning. I figured she was trying to break the 8 hour trip. She brought a lovely cake but the ladies didn't visit long enough to cut it. Your lovely card came Tuesday. Martha Lou sent an arrangement for the Fall and Kate sent gerbur dasies. The preacher came yesterday with a member for 1 hour. Dick says he can see improvement. I will keep in touch.

Love, Mother

94 Years...

Copyright © 2008 Judith J. Bentley

Wednesday, October 23, 2008

My sister Kate has booked her ticket to Greenville, South Carolina December 3-8 to visit Mother and brother in Simpsonville.

Brief Chronology

8.11 - Greenville EMS & Simpsonville Fire Dept EMS responded to assist in getting Mother back in bed after a blackout. She refused to go to the hospital. Brother was charged $200 for a "no service-transport." Brother is unable to lift Mother by himself.

9.21 - Mother requests her internet connection service cancelled - can't use it any more.

10.7 - EMS made 2 trips, one to the hospital for a fractured humerus and one to bring Mother back to the house.

10.16 - Brother reports Mother got her flu shot today from Connie-Jumper Blackstone, M.D.
Money is "flying out of Mother's checkbook" to pay for transportation costs to/from hospital and EMS calls for lifting assistance. Brother requests help with Medicare information. Next doctor visit is 10.30. Primary MD wants to refer Mother to a National Neuro Clinic for Rehabilitation - additional transport fees. Sister correctly questions the goal of neuro rehab at age 94 - with risk of injury during transport, etc. - a cost vs. value issue.

10.17 - I have requested Kate to send me her itinerary for the December trip.

10.17 - Brother reports that Mother has been essentially bedridden since her arm and shoulder fracture early October. Helpers from Assisting Angels, Inc. allow brother time to run errands, shopping, etc. on Saturdays. They come on other days as well. Mother still in sling with compression - wide band encircling her body and covering the sling.

Kate sends me her travel itinerary for the December trip.

10.20 - Brother has "nearly sleepless night."

Tuesday 10.21 - Brother reports a very hectic day. Nurse Joyce was with Mother this morning. He called for lifting assistance and fire dept instead called Greenville County EMS who transported her to Greenville Memorial Hospital to remain overnight. Nurse Joyce accompanied Mother to the hospital. ER doctor found imbalance in her endocrine secretions and constipation. Brother reports "not life threatening."

Wednesday 10.22 - Brother reports that Dr. Barr discussed "plan of action" with him and he agreed to have Mother transferred to the congestive heart failure unit. Apparently, her blood pressue medicine may have been responsible for her collapses. Brother reports Mother "seems to be getting good treatment."

Thursday 10.23 - I write brother and sister that I will begin plans to visit in December.